Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Thankful day 2 and day 3

I forgot to post my Thankful day 2 on my blog. Yesterday for day 2, we drove into town for groceries and decided to stop for donuts. Not just any donuts but Ed and Barb’s Creme Donuts. First of all, they are the freshest donuts I have ever tasted and they are amazing! But they icing on top of the donut as it goes, is Ed and Barb. They are so friendly and enjoy their customers. So not only was I thankful for the donuts but also for local businesses run by your neighbors. If you ever in Lake City, you must check them out.

Thankful Week- Day 3- I am thankful that we live in a National Forest. It is amazing to drive into our little town with large pine trees that hug the highway. When I sit in my yard I see the beauty that Mother Nature has to offer. If we are lucky we even might spot a fox, deer, turkey , or the ever present flamingo!

We need to protect our National Parks because they hold such beauty.

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